Entangled Things

SPECIAL EPISODE: QuEra and Harvard University discuss groundbreaking advancements in Quantum Error Correction

December 19, 2023 Entangled Things Season 1 Episode 76

In this special off-cycle release of Episode 76, Patrick and Ciprian speak with returning guest Yuval Boger (QuEra), and first time guests Harry Zhou (QuEra and Harvard) and Dolev Bluvstein (Harvard).

The team discusses a historical announcement regarding groundbreaking advancements in Quantum Error Correction utilizing transversal gates to create the first logical Quantum processor.

QuEra also announced a special event on Jan 9th at 11:30 AM ET, where QuEra will reveal its commercial roadmap for fault-tolerant quantum computers. Register for this online event at:   https://quera.link/roadmap.

Yuval Boger is the CMO of QuEra, the leader in neutral atom quantum computers. In his career, he has served as CEO and CMO of frontier-tech companies in markets including quantum computing software, wireless power, and virtual reality. His "Superposition Guy's Podcast" hosts CEOs and other thought leaders in quantum computing, quantum sensing, and quantum communications to discuss business and technical aspects that impact the quantum ecosystem.

Hengyun (Harry) Zhou is a research scientist at QuEra Computing and Harvard University. His PhD work from Prof. Mikhail Lukin’s group at Harvard made key contributions to quantum sensing and quantum many-body physics and was recognized as a finalist for the American Physical Society’s (APS) Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (DAMOP) thesis prize. His recent work focuses on novel quantum error correction schemes for neutral atom quantum computers, with the promise to drastically reduce the requirements for building large-scale quantum computers.

Dolev Bluvstein is an experimental physics PhD student working in Prof Mikhail Lukin's lab at Harvard and a recipient of the Hertz Fellowship. He is the lead-author of the original work on programming quantum circuits with the motion of neutral atoms as well as the recent work realizing error-corrected quantum circuits on many logical qubits.